Employment Network

Connecting Open Shop Employers with Independent Workers

Employment Network

Looking to hire? One of the biggest obstacles that construction companies are facing is the lack of available workers. ICBA is here to meet the challenge with our Employment Network, connecting workers who are between jobs with our employers who are looking to crew up.

Construction continues to be one of the fastest growing industries in western Canada, and was one of the few that continued at nearly full strength during the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown. This means ICBA members continue to hire, and ICBA’s Employment Network is there for them.

With more than 4,000 ICBA members and clients, there are always companies looking for workers. Every year, ICBA helps place dozens of men and women into jobs, including electricians, plumbers, heavy equipment operators, and business development personnel.

ICBA works closely with immigrant services agencies, high school career counsellors, Indigenous groups and other organizations to grow our pool of people looking for work, year-round.

For more information, email jobs@icba.ca.

For Employers

Do you have a need for more workers in the construction industry? We always have resumes on file for job seekers looking for immediate employment within the industry. We work with you to make sure we find applicable matches for your needs.

For more information about how ICBA can assist in connecting you to job seekers, please contact our Program Manager at jobs@icba.ca.

For Job Seekers

ICBA can connect job seekers like you with our member companies in western Canada who are looking to hire.

For nearly 50 years, ICBA has been the voice of the open shop construction industry. With more than 4,000 members and clients, we can put your resume in front of those who make hiring decisions throughout the province.

Looking for work in the construction industry? Upload your resume in the submission box on this page,  or email us at jobs@icba.ca

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    ICBA respects your privacy. By uploading your resume, you consent to us sharing it with ICBA members. By entering your email, you consent to receive electronic communications from us that keep you updated on major projects that create jobs across the province. You may unsubscribe at any time.