
Building the Future of B.C.’s Construction Industry

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Understanding Unions for Non-Unionized Workplaces (Labour Relations Series)
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 11AM – 1PM
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Employee and labour relations is an exciting field that covers a wide variety of areas such as labour law, people management, and the relationship between workers and management in unionized workplaces. However, the focus of this webinar will be on your open shop model, or non-unionized workplace.

Unions have had a significant impact on corporate and people management practices and in many cases have influenced employers in non-union environments to adopt more progressive practices. This includes how employees are hired, how performance is managed and how discipline is administered.

This 2-hour introductory LR webinar will give our members in non-unionized workplaces a look into how to better understand your existing employee management practices.

We will cover such topics as:

  • Introduction to Labour Relations
    • Applicable Laws & Legislation
    • Labour Code vs Employment Standards- which apply to your workplace
    • Human Rights Code
    • Charter of Rights & Freedoms
  • Functions of Unions
    • Worker representation
    • Why workers may seek representation
  • How unions organize a workplace
    • Who commences certification action?
    • What is required to be certified?
    • The representation vote: Card Check vs. Secret Ballot – and why this is important
  • Employers rights and responsibilities during an organizing campaign
    • What is an “Unfair Labour Practice” and how to avoid
    • Effective communication strategies
  • Case Study

Presenter: Pamela Bragg – Sarkany Management Inc.
Pamela Bragg is the owner of Sarkany Management Inc., a Human Resources Consulting firm, which offers a broad range of HR services. Pamela has a comprehensive background in executive level human resources and holds a Masters Certificate from Stanford in Diversity & Inclusion as well as a Masters Certificate in Strategic Human Resources & Organizational Change

Understanding Unions for Non-Unionized Workplaces (Labour Relations Series)
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 11AM – 1PM
Missed this one? Visit