
Building the Future of B.C.’s Construction Industry

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Why Supervisory Skills Matter for Retention (LIVE ONLINE)
Thursday, June 6, 2024 (11AM to 1PM Pacific)
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With labour shortages across the country, employee retention is one of the most talked about organizational challenges facing the construction industry, and it is anticipated to continue to be a workplace trend in the coming years.

Employee retention is about much more than the foundational components of wages, hours, and benefits we tend to think of. While certainly important, it doesn’t end there. There are many other factors that go into an employee’s decision to stay or leave. And the supervisor–employee relationship has a powerful influence over that decision.

Employers that systematically manage and strengthen the supervisor-employee relationship will stand a greater chance of managing through the labour shortages while retaining talent.

Join us as we discuss the supervisory skills needed to help you retain your talent and become an employer of choice.